
How To Recover From Google Penguin Algorithm Update


Stung by Penguin Update, web-masters are hurriedly looking for help that can bring their sites back to platform. Luckily help is available and an SEO agency India can provide real help at quite affordable price.

Let’s see how websites can pass the Penguin test

Distribution of anchor text

It is learnt that websites use similar anchor texts without knowing that these texts could get them penalized. The links could make Google see your website red and it can get punished by decreasing its page rank. But it is easy to make anchor text different and using different anchor texts is advantageous as well.

Use long-tail and non-descriptive keywords to make anchor texts of your website different. Or you can use external links by brand or URL to create difference in your anchor text. In this way, you can save your website from Penguin update and also achieve good results in the long run.

Disavowing links

There is much confusion on this issue as it is an issue that even the most experienced SEO India professional won’t want to touch. The best way to disavow links is to clear you stand on links Google finds worthless. The links are on your site and Google will want a clarification from you. Instead of starting removing the links manually, you should be clear in your stand that you’ve nothing to do with these links.

Value of internal links

Google is more concerned with external links than internal linking of website pages but it doesn’t mean that you should leave your internal links to the mercy of Google spiders. Internal linking might not have any impact on search engine ranking of your site but these links can certainly determine the way Google spiders crawl your website.

Optimizing internal links with varying anchor text, maintaining hierarchy and linking related pages together will give you a greater control over your website. You’ll be in the position to dictate the search engine spiders on how to crawl your website. And it will certainly have a good impact on your website ranking in the long run.

Link booster

Never ever try using a link booster by using too many referral pages as your website could come in the radar of Google. The search engine might start investing what made your website climb up its ladder at such a great speed and if it notices anything fishy, it is going to punish your website heavily.

Which SEO can help?

Take SEO services India to bring your website from Penguin Update. It is better you do this job ASAP before the next updates arrives so that your site looks fresh and Google spiders find it reliable. Advantage of Indian SEO companies is that they are knowledgeable and affordable.

Search digital marketing services in India to locate a reliable SEO that has good experience in dealing with Penguin Update. Focus on result quality and guarantee of success. An experienced SEO won’t have any hesitation in giving guarantee of success with his efforts.

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